Thursday, October 9, 2008

Russ: Come Collect Yo Crazy Ass Brother

Russ' brother is clinically insane. All the women I work with have crazy relatives and crazy children. Do not think that they were the only lucky ones in the family tree. They are crazy too.

Russ' brother came in last week and stumbled on his cane back to my cubicle. (He's 42 and not injured). Russ was not in yet, as she earned the right to sleep 'til 10 when she achieved the impressive milestone of turning 50. He didn't look me directly in the face (apparently staring does not run in the family). Rather, he stared off into space and demanded to see his sister. After I informed him that she was not in yet, he chose to have a seat at a chair near MY desk. There he proceeded to talk about his photography, despite the fact that I was clearly busy emailing my coworker and making fun of him.

Today he came in again. Russ saw him come in. Her cubicle is in plain view of the aisle. My cubicle, as I have said before, is far in the back. You know she heard him come in. You KNOW she saw him walk by. She heard him come back to my desk and start talking to me. Still, she did nothing. I had to call this woman across the office to come collect her crazy ass brother. He proceeded to hang around my desk for a while and show me a sample of his photography - a church with spiderwebs on it. Something about this man causes me to talk to him as if he is a child: "Yes! That's a very good picture - yes it is!"

Russ, you owe me an apology for your crazy ass brother. Do not pretend like he did not come over here.


C said...

Oh my gosh, you gon get fired girl, if they fin you out. This is huh-larious. The best part is the title. I wish "title" was pronounced "tit-lay."

Chaz said...

Why have I not heard about this yet?

Christina DT said...

H, you are cracking me up! I really dig your blog! I hope mine is as well put together as yours! Do the women you work with all have male names? Or is that for protection??