Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Hate You All

I don't have PMS. I'm not sick. I'm not hungry. I'm a little tired, but other than that, I have no reason to feel like I want to kill people today. But I do.

Yesterday, all 3 of the Olds were out of town. This rare kind of day is unimaginably wonderful for me. The sky seems more blue. I can breathe more easily. I love life.

Today, they're all back. So far, they have all bellowed my name repeatedly while I was on the phone, they've asked me to perform menial tasks for them all the while knowing that I am one of two people who actually has real work to do, and they've generally just walked around being loud, old, and annoying.

I'm starting to think that I have a deficiency in being able to cope with other people. When someone sucks, I am able to ascertain this fact within seconds of meeting them. Every slightly annoying characteristic they have seems amplified times 20. When I see them coming, I almost feel like I want to puke.

I don't think it's just that I hate people. I feel the opposite extreme of this reaction with people I love and other people I enjoy. Every facial expression they have and thing they say, I just want to kiss their cheek. I think I just have extreme emotions. I either really can't stand people or I really love them. There is no in between for me. Unless I'm with my coworkers drinking wine. Then they can easily cross from the hate side to the love side. But you can never cross from the love side to the hate side, unless you're an exboyfriend.

On second thought, a rep just brought some mini cupcakes, and now I feel much more well-equipped to handle the rest of the day. It was just a sugar deficiency.


C said...

oh, what if you DO have low blood sugar. that could very well be it. but i think you're pmsing. i am. aren't we synced?

Tupperino said...

i don't think so. i've got like 6 more pills.

but the low blood sugar thing would explain why my hands shake all the time.